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Studio Dalton Designs

Dalton is a self taught visual artist whose style has evolved over a long period of exploration and experimentation. His art started with representational figures and over time, he came to love abstract work. Dalton loves bold colors and leans toward a selection to blues, reds and blacks with whites and yellows added for contrast and depth. 

(Left) "Tribute" Acrylic on Canvas | (Right) "Liquid" Acrylic and Oil on Canvas

On Abstract

"As I've become a self learning student of abstract art, l'm realizing that the true difference between it and representational art is: Abstract is an artist creating beauty, meaning or some other sort of emotional impact for the viewer based on what is within themselves using only the materials they have at their disposal. It really doesn't matter how much or how little they put on the canvas as long as it has weight. The amount of weight or gravity the piece holds is based on the skill level of the artist. This is fascinating to me. I've heard comments that say (and I too used to be guilty of it).


"well I could do that". While that may be true (or not). The real observation should be. "Why do I like it? How did the artist know that I would?" Or "How did the artist know I would need to stop and look?"


That is abstract. I am not done with representational art which is doing the above work based on a subject this in front of you or that you have seen. I simply have a new universe to explore.  A second one. The one within me."

- Dalton

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